Federasyonumuz koordinatörlüğünde yürütülen projenin ortakları; İspanya’dan Valensiya Belediye Spor Vakfı (Fundación Deportiva Municipal), Romanya’dan Ulusal Spor Araştırma Enstitüsü (National Institute for Sport Research) ve Türkiye’den Antalya Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneğidir.
Avrupa Birliği tarafından 2017 yılında açılan spor projeleri hibe programı kapsamında proje koordinatörü olarak Federasyonumuz tarafındanyapılan başvuru neticesinde hibe almaya hak kazanan Çocukların Teknoloji Bağımlılığına Karşı Spor ve Fiziksel Aktivite (Sport and Physical Activity against Children’s Technology Addiction) isimli Avrupa Birliği Erasmus+ Spor Projesinin federasyonumuz koordinasyonunda yürütülmektedir.
Projenin temel amacı; günümüzde teknolojinin hızla gelişmesi ve teknolojik aletlerin hayatımızda önemli bir yer edinmesinin sonucu olarak çocukların bu teknolojik aletlere olan ve hızla artan ilgi ve sonrasında (olası) bağımlılıklarına karşın spor ve fiziksel aktiviteninkullanılarak, çocukların daha hareketli bir yaşam tarzı benimsemelerini ve spor ve hareket kültürü kazanmalarını sağlamak olup hedef kitlesi 6-13 yaş arasında değişen çocukları kapsamaktadır.
Sporda gönüllü faaliyetlerin teşvik edilmesi, sosyal içerme ile birlikte herkes için spora katılım ve spora eşit erişim yoluyla, sağlığı artırıcı fiziksel aktivitenin önemi hakkında topluma eşit fırsatlar sunmak ve toplumda farkındalık yaratmak amacıyla Federasyonumuz koordinatörlüğündehazırlanan Erasmus+ Spor projesi başlangıcı 1 Ocak 2018 ve bitiş tarihi ise 30 Haziran 2019 olup 18 ay devam edecektir.
Federasyonumuz koordinatörlüğünde yürütülen projenin ortakları; İspanya’dan Valensiya Belediye Spor Vakfı (Fundación Deportiva Municipal), Romanya’dan Ulusal Spor Araştırma Enstitüsü (National Institute for Sport Research) ve Türkiye’den Antalya Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneğidir.
The project of a “Sport and Physical Activity against Children’s Techonology Addiction” has been approved in 2017 call, project number: 590465-EPP-1-2017-1-TR-SPO-SSCP and responds to one of the three EU general objectives to To promote voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in, and equal access to sport for all.
The WHO defines ‘health’ as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely as the absence of disease or infirmity. All people in the world need physically active, healty liftestyle, beginning in their early years. And WHO says, the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race,religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
According to the EU Physical Activity Guidelines; Physical activity is usually defined as “any bodily movement associated with muscular contraction that increases energy expenditure above resting levels”. This broad definition includes all contexts of physical activity, i.e. leisure-time physical activity (including most sport activities and dancing), occupational physical activity, physical activity at or near the home and physical activity connected with transport. Alongside personal factors, environmental influences on physical activity levels can be physical (e.g. built environment, land use), social and economic. Ve yine bu kılavuza göre The human body was designed to move and therefore needs regular physical activity in order to function optimally and avoid illness. Furthermore, living an active life brings many other social and psychological benefits and there is a direct link between physical activity and life expectancy, so that physically active populations tend to live longer than inactive ones. So, there is sufficient evidence to show that those who live a physically active life can gain a number of health benefits, for example;
-A reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
-Increased fat utilisation which can help to control weight, lowering the risk of obesity.
-A lowered risk of certain cancers, such as breast, prostate and colon cancer.
-Maintenance and improvement in muscular strength and endurance, resulting in an increase in functional capacity to carry out activities of daily living.
-Lower stress levels and associated improved sleep quality.
-In very old adults, a lower risk of falling and prevention or delaying of chronic illnesses associated with ageing
There is scientific evidence of the positive direct and indirect effects of participation in sport and physical activity as much for the individual as for society and the economy. The European Commission is tackling this issue across different policy areas such as sport, health, transport, education and research, including through the implementation of the 2013 Council Recommendation on promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors. The implementation of this Recommendation is closely monitored, with the help of a set of indicators and in cooperation with the EU Member States and the World Health Organization.
So, all people in the world need a physical active healty lifestyle, beginning in their early years.
Researches made in recent years show that sports and all kinds of physical activities are replaced by new entertainment modes such as TV, internet, video games, smart phones, and people's daily habits change when society is looked at with the developing technology.
As a result of this, it can be seen that people are sentenced to virtual environments called social media, where they are able to communicate centrally, from sports halls and physical areas where they can physically move and lead to an sedantary lifestyle.
Youth are more sedentary than ever with the widespread avaibility of television, videos, video games, computers and multimedia phones. Social networking and entertainment through newer technologies also play a role.
Globally, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough and more than 80% of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active (World Health Organization). Let’s reverse this trend and get moving!
Within the framework of the above explanations, the main objective of the project is; As a result of the developing technology, the sociological, psychological and physiological negative effects of the society, especially the children, after they move to a still life style rather than a moving lifestyle than the past, have been removed from the society, with the computer, tablets, internet and smart phone taking an important place in our lives.
To this end, it emphasizes the importance of a health promoting sport and a lifestyle, and together with the best practices of good practice that demonstrate the importance of sport for all and a lifelong lifestyle for human health, develop the best practices among the partner countries of the project.
For this purpose, in order for the society to adopt a more active lifestyle with sport in order to reach a goal of a healthier society by sharing the activities that the partner countries are doing for everyone, the partner countries should be able to participate easily and comprehensively, New methods, modules and tools will be developed to increase participation in the sport for all who can equally access with equal opportunity.
With the questionnaires to be made, awareness of sports culture will be created for everyone in the society and information will be exchanged between seminars and partners.
Sport is not only competitive.And "sport for everyone" does not aim for performance. The important thing is to enjoy the action without regard to children, young, old, etc. In this respect to reach from healthy individuals to healthy societies and to healthy generations may be possible.
With the development of technology, people who have a sedentary lifestyle at many points in life need to "act" as soon as possible.
Some academic research reveals that the internet or smartphones have become "addictions" rather than being a source of information or communication devices.
According to the results of the Eurobarometer survey conducted in November-December 2013 to support the emerging policy framework for the development of sports and physical activity by the European Commission, the "Sport and Physical Activity report" published in March 2014, as the most common cause of participation in sports or physical activity to be healthy (62%) and to achieve weight control (24%).
The result of this survey study shows that people have knowledge about the role of sports health improvement. But with the adverse effect of developing technology on people, people are in a more sedantary lifestyle.
In this context, The SPA / CTA project is concerned about the children’s sedantary lifestyle because of technology addiction. This Project promotes and supportes sport and physical activity among children. Also project will focus on the priority of supporting the implementation of EU policy documents in the field of Physical Activity: EU Physical Activity Guidelines and other relevant documents such as recommendations, guidelines, policy strategies etc.